Friday 19 May 2023

Thursday 18th May 2023

Ascension Day (DK)

Meaning all of my Danish (and German) colleagues had a day off.

Meaning I could catch up on all my work, without interuptions.

Which is nice.

And the weather was warming up, so I might find time in my hectic schedule to go out for a walk....

One hundred and thirty eight Anyway, seems that I am good at getting lots of sleep lark, even going back to sleep when Jools gets up, only waking back up when Jools is making coffee or Cleo comes to lay on my legs.

Either way, time to get up, and get ready for whatever the day could throw at me.

In fact, it was a quiet day as expected, with my main task to write an agenda for another audit, so with my second coffee, I settle down to get typing.

A fine afternoon walk Oh yes, coffee, everything I thought about how to make it was wrong. I like coffee, but the taste can be harsh from the mocha pot, so I use sugar, but when the pots bubbles and whistles, its too hot for the coffee and make it taste bitter. After watching a video on that YouTube, I fill the pot with boiling water, put it on the hob and low, and stop the brew before the bubbles.

A fine afternoon walk And its amazing coffee.

Wh knew?

Despite it being the middle of May, its still cool, with a keen north wind, and temperatures in single figures most nights. The expected glut of butterflies has not happened yet, and maybe its just this area as species like Comma are more numerous in their summer broods.

A fine afternoon walk I did the usual walk, out across the fields to Fleet House, down pat the farm then up to Windy Ridge, along Green Lane before turning down for home.

A fine afternoon walk I did nap a Holly Blue, but the Speckled Woods were too flighty, as was the Red Admiral. But that was all I saw.

A fine afternoon walk Lots of horse riders out, all said hello as I stepped out of their way not to spook the horses.

A fine afternoon walk A good day to be out and about, despite work being more demanding than ever.

I suppose I should be tankful that I have something like 27 more months of work, if I want, and then I can have a life of riley.

Back home to prepare fritters for dinner, and feed the cats, though when the weather gets warmer they get picky, so I put just a single pack out along with crunchies, and they seem happy enough.

A fine afternoon walk Fore the evening there was the last Marc Riley shw to listen to, as there is changes afoot on 6 Music. He's still on, but later, and sharing the slot with Gideon Coe. Not a good change, but will mean I won't be so keen to be home at dead on seven like I have been.

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