Sunday, 16 March 2025

Friday 14th March 2025

And so to the end of my next to last working week. A day which would see me lead my last audit and have the final follow up meetings.

Sorry to go on about this, but this seems pretty amazing stuff.

At the end of the audit, the module owner says really nice things about my work, and then Franks takes that opportunity to say even nicer things.

In the afternoon through three follow up meetings as I tell those attending that this would be the last such meeting in the series as i was leaving, you more plaudits came my way.

If all this is true, then how did my last boss get me so wrong?

I don't know.

It matters less and less with each passing day to be honest.

I get up at half five. Have breakfast and try to wake up as I was in a deep, deep sleep when the alarm went off.

Once Jools had left, I do the bins, change the kitty litter, fill up the feeders and make breakfast and a fresh brew.

All ready to start work at seven, so mails out before the audit began at half past.

We rattle through that in three hours, giving me time to type up some quick notes and have lunch before the final two hours of meetings just after midday.

Seventy three I close two audits, send ot mails to round off the day, and was sitting outside when Jools came back from work, dropping by to collect Scully for another blood sugar test.

Her sugars are even higher, and we have been so careful with her food and jabs.


But she looks well on it and is putting weight back on.

I make ragu trough the afternoon, as the freezer is pretty empty, so make enough for a fine meal and then eight more portions to thraw out as needed.

As torture, Norwich were on the tellybox that evening, after after a bright start concede easily.

Ten minutes later and it was two. Sigh.

Truth is, I was so very tired, and with City trailing 2-0 at half time, I switch the laptop off and we go to bed.

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