Friday, 14 March 2025

Wednesday 12th March 2025

I am getting up early to do audits out of respect for my colleague, Franks, for whom these are important. And it is also for him I will work bloody hard next week to get the draft report done.

I care too much not to do it.

Which is why the alarm goes off at half five each morning, and I am um up and dressed, and sipping my first coffee of the day.

I am working at half six, finishing the admin from the day before, and happy that Wednesday and each of the rest of the days this week will have just the one audit.

Before starting work, I put the birdseed out, and check the pond, only to find one female frog and two males, rolling over and over, and already a huge clump of spawn lays on the surface of the pond, breaking through the blanket of pond weed.

Seventy one I check through the day with a camera, but the frogs are hunkered down, smoking post-coital cigarettes I guess.

The garden is waking up, though the warm spell of the weekend has ended and it is cooling down, with frosts and possibly snow later in the week.

I make a fresh brew, and settle down to work with breakfast before work starts at half seven, four straight hours of top flight auditing.

We get done on time, so I was able to have lunch of oatcakes with butter and marmalade, but too cold to sit on the patio, instead I put on some music and sip my fresh brew between mouthfuls.

By two my brain is melting I was struggling to stay awake, so go tot he sofa to sit beside Scully and watch Bangers and Cash.

I mail Jools to ask her for to pick up fish and chips on the way home, meaning no cooking for me.

It is now light enough in the evening so I don't have to put on the outside light on when Jools comes home, I just had to make sure the kettle was freshly brewed and the pates in the oven so to keep the golden fried food nice and warm.

There was football in the evening, I try to listen, but was so tired, I give up at nine, halftime in the European games.

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