Friday, 14 March 2025

Thursday 13th March 2025

Despite it being nearly the equinox, the weather has taken a turn for the chilly, with frosts overnight and on Thursday, a heavy hailstorm turned day to night and the ground to white.

Seventy two But not for long.

Sunny intervals returned, and I went back to work, having made my brew.

Yes, seven working days, six after this, and days to do are indeed getting few.

I was up early to conduct the 5th out of six audits, and if I'm honest, my interest is starting to wane, but its important stuff, so I just get on with it.

Jools leaves early, giving me time to have breakfast, make a brew and be ready for work.

Eyes down at half seven for the audit, and after some joking during the introductions, the dance begins.

And continued for four hours until it was quarter past eleven here, an hour later at head office, and just time enough for them to hotfoot it to the canteen for lunch.

I defrosted some lentils, made a brew and ate well before writing more notes.

Come two, and I was pooped again. I stop, thinking of a twenty minute break on the sofa, but that lead to a two hour break, and barely enough energy to pack away the office at four, and be ready for when Jools came back. I prepared chorizo hash, and once Jools said she didn't feel like going to the gym, I cooked the rest of the ingredients and dished up with doubly crispy potatoes.

More football in the evening, which I do stay up for. Man Utd, Spurs and Chelsea go through, though too late to see if Rangers would win in extra time.

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