Saturday, 19 October 2019

Boris and Padfield

Alexander Boris de Piffel Johnson, meet Padfield.

Padfield is the legal president that means the Government cannot frustrate Parliament. If it does, the PM, Ministers and advisors could all be guilty of misconduct in a public office and go to prison. For life.

So, today Johnson lost his eighth consecutive vote, and his revised WA failed to get ratified. Thanks in main to the DUP who voted it down after Johnson sold them down the river. A liar rarely profits.

So, Johnson sent the letter to the EU that the Benn Act required, unsigned, in the hope it might not have legal force.

It did.

Two other letters were sent, outlining why Johnson thought an extension was a bad idea. But did not say to ignore the first letter. As that would have not been in compliance with Padfield, as Johnson was told.

Like the US, we are being let by man-babies. Just how far the UK has sunk in three years.....

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