Tuesday 1 October 2019

Double standards

The Home Secretary has just made her speech at the Tory conference, where she outlined plans to have more severe sentences for criminals. Earlier, there was a discussion as to whether the Prime Minister should obey the law.

Think about that!

Yes, we are in truly Alice in Wonderland here, and as the Tories guffawed at their unfunny jokes, Nissan announced it was reconsidering the plans for its plant in Sunderland, now that May's promise of Brexit having no effect was a pretty empty one. Wonder how they'll manage to spin that?

The EU have reviewed the UK's non-papers paper, which the UK has insisted not be sent to the heads of the EU 27. It will not work, and Johnson is planning a hard border in Ireland. So that'll be another broken promise. But will be one of many.

And when a BBC journalist asked the PM on he thought it was going, what with losing 21 MPs, seven Commons votes, Johnson replied, "about as well as could be, especially, if not slightly better!.

So there we have it.....

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