Wednesday 3 August 2022

Tuesday 2nd August 2022


And you guessed it, market day in Kings Lynn.

Other than that, its still holiday season in Denmark.

Plus la change.

Again I sleep through the alarm. I'm getting good at this. So, when I go down, Jools is making final preparations before going to work.

But there is coffee.

And once she leave, I make some toast and have the last of the nutella. I won't be buying more due to it being made with palm oil. I believe I will survive.

So, to work and I find no mails had come in over night, so nothing urgent to deal with.

I put some music on.

Outside is was turning into a sunny and warm day. Cats are now very sociable, although each in their own way. Scully likes it when anyone sits with her on the patio. She can lay on the table and nuzzle up to your arm and pur. Mulder is just a tart and demands attention, and if you ignore him, he touches your hand so tenderly to remind you he's here. Poppy will lay under the stairs, or just beyond. Sometimes playing with her plush catus toy. Meanwhile, Cleo just lays behind me when working, washing and rolling over and over.

Coastal mist I'm not lonely.

Nor do I go hungry.

Fruit and yogurt. More coffee.

Cheese and chilli jam on toast. With a huge cuppa.


I have a meeting where I actually help someone. I promise never to let it happen again.

And once work is done, I go to rake the lawnmeadow, piling the tatch in piles and so letting it dry before gathering on Wednesday. I sit with Scully to survey my labours. Again. She demands stroking.

So, I sit and stroke the kitty cat for an hour, while watching the birdies and butterflies.

We had a wine delivery. A box of southern Italian fizz. I put a bottle in the fridge so we could quality test it.

Two hundred and fourteen Dinner was breaded chicken, fresh corn and noodles.

With wine.

And the wine was good. Very dry, very fruity.

We drink the whole bottle.

Of course.

And for seconds, we have the last of the tart with coffee.

Man, we know how to live.

We have the radio on, and the day fades.

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