Tuesday 16 May 2023


Yesterday, the Member of Parliament for the 19th century, JRM, admitted that the voter ID rule that was introduced for the recent local elections had prevented any elderly, thus Conservative, voters from voting.

Be careful if you gerrymander, he said, it will come back to bite you.

I mention this, because Labour leader, Kier Starmer, has suggested expanding sufferage to include 17 and 16 year olds, and also including those EU citizens who have right to remain.

The Daily Hate Mail has been incandescent with rage for the last two days for this "gerrymandering" it sees on the part of Labour, in increasing democracy, while ignoring the actual gerrymandering that the current Conservative administration has already undertaken.

As with most accusations from the right, their screaming warnings are pretty much what they're going to do; from cancelling culture, changing history to restricting voting and even free speech, which is only free if you agree with what the Government says.

Even the right to protest, or the thought of protesting is now enough to have you arrested. Or be in posession of selotape or glue.

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