Sunday 21 May 2023

Saturday 20th May 2023

The weekend.

And the start of (another) week off.

I am using most of my annual holiday before the end of June because, well, th's when nature explodes. The week, this week, I hope to be full of orchids.

And of course, being a Saturday, that meant starting with shopping, so off to Tesco we went, back in the Audi now, and just driving to the supermarket is a pleasure in the Audi. We go round and get the usual stuff, filling the trolley up. I wish I could say it is getting cheaper, but we are lucky we have the money to be able to ride this out, we do know others won't be so lucky.

We went back home and had a fine breakfast of fresh strawberries, rapberries and blueberries with a coffee, then half an hour later I made bacon butties, so all was set for me to go out to meet friends on the latest orchid search. On the way I dropped Jools off at Tesco so she could catch a bus into Canterbury, then I could carry on to Temple Ewell where Terry and Graham were waiting.

Ophrys sphegodes This was the first in the annual search for the Kentish Burnt (Tip) Orchids, which would involve a climb almost to the top of the down, along some, then down into the next reserve. My back is sore (as always), Terry had a sore something, and Graham was receovering from a knee operation. So, going was slow with lots of stops to talk and take in the view.

Ophrys sphegodes We reached the top, took a deep breath, then we plunged down the other side. On the way down there is a colony of Early Spiders, which are a little darker than their cousins that live down near the sea, these hunker down on crest on the down, its always windy here, so they are a little stunted, but in perfect condition, the site and weather making these a week or two later than those down on the Hoe.

Ophrys sphegodes We stopped to take shots, then continue down to the small area of down where we hoped to see the Burnt Tips.

Sadly, despite an hour of searching, we found no ign. It might be early, so us walking might do damage, so we stopped. On the other side I looked for signs of the Bee Orchids I had found a few years before, but of those too there was no sign either. Maybe conditions just changed, I don't know.

Ophrys sphegodes We gave up and walked back up the down, into the light of the nearly midday sun. With the views down to Temple Ewell on the right hand side, and the valley stretching towards Dover, was a fine sight indeed, and without our target found, the whole walke and search was worth it.

I got a call from Jools saying she was on the way back from Canterbury, so I had half an hour. So, we went in convoy to Lydden Hill, parking on the side of the road to check on the colony of Man Orchids, which I saw two weeks back are there in larger numbers this year. Now, they spikes were nearly in full flower, and with spikes on the bank and on the level beside the storm drain, we really had to watch our step to ensure we damaged none.

One hundred and forty I was out of time, so said goodbye to the lads, climbed over the fence, dashed back to the car so to be at Tesco when her bus arrived. I was two minutes late, but no worries. She got in and we drove home, where the task for the day was to make Limoncello and Grappa Tart, as for some reason I had decided that I would make it.

Ophrys sphegodes I cheated and bought ready-made pastry, but the rest I did. Cracking and separating a dozen eggs, needing only the yolks, then adding the ground almonds, sugar and the booze. I pour the mix into a raspberry filled lines flan tin, popped it in the over to bake for an hour.

Limoncello and grappa tart And then there is football, of course. The season is winding down, but seems to go on and on. I listen to the radio, then later watch whatver game was on at half five.

We have the radio on, funk and soul with Craig, so pretty much the perfect evening.

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