Wednesday 17 May 2023

Tuesday 16th May 2023

Second working day of the week, and its like I've never been away.

I have a day of meetings and calls to look forward to.

Jools did not go swimming early doors, either way I slept through the alarm, and woke only when Jools came back up to say goodbye.

So, I get up and find the coffee pot waiting to go. But after over a decade with the stove pot, I have found how to use it properly and not make coffee as bitter as my ex-wife's black heart.

One hundred and thirty six Would it be warm and sunny? Well, the wind set in fron the north, even with sun it wuld be cool. If not cold.

I have breakfast, and then power up the laptop.

Let's do it.

Not much to report, if I'm onest. There is work to fill my day, so I procrastinate much less, so the day flies.


I could have gone out for a walk, but decide against it.


I was waiting for the new episode of a podcast that never came. They're having a break, apparently.

So it goes.

I fill up the feeders and wait for the neighbourhood fox to appear and wait for food. He gets the leftover cat food as well as peanuts and fatballs. He seems happy enough with life.

Wisteria It should be days of long and warm late spring evenings, but really is too cold to have the back door open, and I ponder with the heating.

There's always tomorrow, I hear my Dad saying in my head.

There is play off football in the evening: Sunderland taking their 2-1 lead to Luton, but they fail to hang on and are soon 2-0 down on te night, 3-2 overall, and that's how it finishes. In Europe, Inter beat AC 1-0 on the night, 3-0 on aggregate. The old San Siro was bouncing at the end.

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