The day begins with the alarm going, and the BBC news on Radio 2. It is a sad fact that I have given up on the BBC news, it all seems to be just repeating what the government says, and rarely puts the other point of view. What happened to political neutrality, or a little bit of journalistic investigation on their part? Not when their charter is up for renewal next year, the Corperation does not seem to want to rock the boat, by reporting on things that are happening, or repeating Tory claims against the Labour party without thought. Already this election is the dirtiest I can remember, with the Labour leader being subjected to constant personal attacks by the Tories or the right wing press who seem his as fair game. Mainly because he doesn't worship at the altar of Murdoch and so has independent thought, and has now announced reform on a loophole that allows the richest to claim to live here but not pay tax: non-dom status. That this is a 200 year old law brought in when the Empire was being forged. The lie of the trickle down effect of tax cuts for the rich clearly has not worked, but already the sheep are being primed for yet more tax cuts for the rich, and this benefits the rest of us.

And then there is immigration: I read a report saying that there is not enough working people to support the elderly: why not immigrants? Because the press scream they are lazy, scroungers from fuzzy wuzzy land. And yet, people believe this tosh, and are thinking of voting UKIP, the new haven for the BNP.
Tell you what, I won't listen to the news now, and we can get on with our lives. I used to be a firebrand, but now just want to work, pay off our mortgage and retire, take photographs, travel, do the garden and complain.
And on Thursday, I started the morning with a coffee and an hour reviewing the shots from St Paul's. Most were OK, some great, some not so great. But hey, I snapped St Paul's!

Back to work: the avalanche of mails, the tasks, the questions. I thought it would be getting easier. Outside, the fog lingered in the village and shrouded the house. It certainly made the house cilly enough for me to wear a works jumper all day. Seemed wrong to put the heating on anyways.
During the day I made a loaf, chilli seed and poppy seed. It looked and smelt so good that I defrosted some pea soup and we had that with the still warm bread for dinner. It hot the spot.

As the sun set in the west, I could see the mist diffusing the light and the promise was for a fine sunset. In anticipation we went for a short walk to the top of the down, and there the sun set like an angry red bumble bee. Or something.
Back home in time for Top of the Pops from April 1980, and a slice of fresh bread and marmalade with a nice big cuppa. Lovely.
"I used to be a firebrand, but now just want to work, pay off our mortgage and retire, take photographs, travel, do the garden and complain."
Hear hear and amen!
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