Or, how the kitchen is not the best place for fox urine.
I say that as, well, one of the first tasks of the day is to collect the bowl that we put out for the badgers, usually it has the uneaten cat food in from the day before. Sometimes the badgers don't come, of the fox comes first, so the fox eats it. Nothing unusual in that you might think. I When I went out yesterday morning, I saw there was some liquid in the dish, so maybe there had been some rain or a heavy dew. But no, it was fox wee.

Only I did not notice that at first, it was when the smell really set in and began to fill the house. So, there I was coating everywhere with bleach: hands, bowl, work surface, sink. And it still stunk.
Outside, there was a glorious dawn and sunrise, with still the hint of mist rising in the valley. I took a shot because I could.
And then work began. And right away it went to shit. No other word for it. Shit. And did not get better. Got to the stage where I was dreading e mails coming in. It was some relief when the time came to switch it off, and go and sit in the back garden in the warm afternoon sunshine. I was joined by various cats, all trying to tell me that it was dinner time. No quite my feline friends.
Jools came home, announced she was hungry, and when would dinner be, or should she go out for fish and chips? Silly question, really. She went back out, I made drinks, buttered some bread and waited. So, full of cod and chips, we poured oursleves a celebratory a weekend alcoholic beverage, and went to sit in the garden again to take in the late afternoon sunshine.
The sun sank, it got cool. We went inside to gird our loins and other wobbly bits ready for The Don. It was truly the weekend now that The Don and Nigel were on the telly.
What a rude fox. Maybe this was his way of saying you need to switch cat food brand?
He did it again last night. Thinking about not putting old cat food out now.
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