And like Tuesday. And Monday, I am working at home. I have the cats, almost unlimited coffee and an internet connection. Jools goes to work, I make a coffee and am ready for action at half seven, all ready to go. One of the things I guess we get used to here, is that we are on the edge of the village, and sometimes we see what you could call country things. Take this morning, as Jools left in her car, I went to the back door, and saw Molly and Mulder sitting on the bench on the patio, looking towards the bottom of the garden, kinda interested. I looked down, and there was a fox, as bold as you like, having a look around. It turned round, saw me and just carried on. After a while it jumped on the roof of the shed of the house at the bottom of the garden, and was gone. He was a handsome chap, or beautiful lady. Not sure which.
And, well, I check my phone for any urgent business, and so when I switch the computer on, it is on with the usual stuff, working through the inbox until I was up to date.
Lunch came and went. As did pot after pt of coffee.

I get the camera out, and the big lens so to snap the birds at the feeder, in the hope that something rare and/or unusual would come calling. But it is the usual suspects, so I snap starlings, doves and pigeons. Then go back to work.
In the afternoon I break out the power tools and get prepared, ready to spawn.

Spawn? I hear you ask. Yes, see, mushrooms now come as impregnated with mushroom spawn, ready to drill holes into a stump, put in the down and hey presto, in something between two and five years, we might get mushrooms. It would be an experience if nothing else.
I get the extension lead out, the drill, put in the 8mm bit, and begin drilling. Having not read the instructions, we have got it quite wrong, but we will give it a try. I drill and impregnate the tree stump and various off-cuts, then the cherry tree, and anything else I can see. That done, my back is screaming and so I have enough time for a brew before Jools is due back home.
I skin the aubergine, slice it, egg and breadcrumb it, and beging to fry it, as Jools came back home, she helped and soon enough we had a hooge plate of aubergine, a saucepan of pasta salad, and with the drinks poured. Time to eat.
And so we come to the end of the month. Well, with just the 30th to go. But I have achieved so much, and have a future ahead as there is talk of a new project. I have had a bonus, pretty much completed my travelling. So much to be so happy and proud of. Next month, well, who knows what the future will bring? I am so proud of having seen the project through. The customer is happy, and in a week or so, we should start to produce wiggly amps which begin to repay the investment, and I have played a part, a large part in that. Wow.
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