Did I mention it is really beginning to feel like spring? No? Well, it has, for the most part, but when the wind blows it still feels mighty chilly. Outside the daffodils are going over, and sheltered tulips are opening. But not in our garden, yet.
The day began dull and grey with a hint of rain in the air, and after a coffee I drove to Deal again to shop at Sainsbury's. It's a little further, but its not crowded, and lets be honest, the food is better. And I fancied another couple of bottles of Skrimshander, which was very fine last week.Alas, they were out, so I stuck to items on the list, but then I did add bacon as it only seemed right to begin the weekend with bacon butties.
However, as I needed a haircut, there is time to put the shopping away before I have to go out again to ensure I am near the first in the queue so I don't have to spend half the day getting abuse. They are short again, with another barber having quit, and another is late in. But I am third, I give as good as I get, and I do get my hair cut by quarter past nine, so I can go home and begin cooking the bacon for breakfast.

We are done by ten, and with rain coming down outside, I spend the morning editing more photos of St Paul's and writing a blog.
That done, and the rain having stopped, we go out to make our way to Samphire Hoe for my regular look at the Early Spider Orchids growing. It does mean running the risk of getting caught up in the jams leading to the port, which is just getting worse and worse.
SO we drive down Jubilee Way and the traffic is being controlled by the police, which is keeping the roundabout at the entrance to the port clear. There is also a set of traffic lights at Lime Kiln roundabout, which only lets a few lorries through at a time, which should mean that locals will be able to get about the town, but most roads into the town from Folkestone will be blocked. I think this is due to extra passport checks being carried out on people leaving the country, which isn't going to help immigration.

The Hoe is quiet, with just a few others about. I grab my cameras, Jools leaves me to my madness and walks along the sea wall whilst I go to check on the little orchids. Still none out this week, although they are close, maybe in a week, or sooner if there is a real warm spell. The air is clear, so clear, France is visible some 23 miles away. It seems closer, and details can be seen with little trouble.

I take my shots and am met by Jools who had surveyed further along: none out, so we turn round to walk back to the car.
We go home to while away an hour before we have to go out again, as Jools has a haircut appointment, and so I will spend the time she is getting cut by going onto the Rack of Ale for a pint or two. Which is what happens: the Rack is fairly full, but no one I know is in, so I read the local papers, drink some beer and make half a pint of pork scratchings disappear.
We get home at quarter to four, City are drawing 1-1, and despite playing well have mot made their advantage count. So, an hour is spent over the computer following Twitter and the BBC website. The match goes into extra time, and in the 93rd minute, Hooper manages to get on the end of a headed through ball and loops the ball into the back of the net. Yeehah! Back up to 2nd we go. And the Yellow Army go mad. Or barmy.

I still have time to go back out again in the hope of seeing a freight working/ I wait and wait, but see no train. But I do see a fox, hunting along the side of the track. He gets to the end of the platform in front of me, some 15 yards away. He notices me, looks at me for half a minute and then just saunters off. I give up, go home to cook dinner: chorizo hash, which is soon cooking nicely, filling the house with spicy Spanish smells. Nom nom.
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