Saturday 19 September 2015

Saturday 19th September 2015

I am writing this on the evening of the 19th, it is our 7th wedding anniversary, we are just back from a day out in London, and outside darkness is falling and a bright crescent moon is shining down from an almost cloudless sky. Across the valley someone has lit a bonfire, and the blue smoke is drifting lazily in the still evening air. It is an almost perfect September evening, it has been a warm and sunny day, London is full of fans attending the Rugby World Cup, so it is even more crowded and more cosmopolitan than usual.

In short, life is good, life is better than good, really. And I am married to a wonderful woman, someone who has outlast the two previous Mrs Js. Combined. So, there you have it. But before I talk about today, let us go back 24 hours and relive Friday.


The rain began during the night, once again causing someone's car alarm to go off. Again. And again.

We woke up at five, both of us had big days ahead of us at work, so I got up to feed the cats, make coffee whilst Jools got ready to leave.

And then I had three hours to prepare for a meeting with a customer. As you do. I had been supposed to travel to London for it,but that was binned the day before, so instead we dialed in via the phones on our computer. Or something like that. And by that time it was lunchtime, and I had a loaf of bread to make. Whilst outside, the rain hammered down. Harder.

Rainy days and Fridays At least my allergies were under control, and with the work over for the week, I switched the laptop off, find a resource with ten years of the Danny Baker and Danny Kelly shows, and with them burbling in the background, I make busy, stripping elderberries from their stalks, making sure the bread rose, and the afternoon passes into early evening.

Rainy days and Fridays Jools comes home, we have insalata caprese with the garlic and herb focaccia I made. I open the next to last bottle of cheap red in the cupboard, and we toast the weekend.

In the evening, I sit down to watch the first game of the Rugby World Cup, England beat Fiji, but in the middle i break so we can watch the Don.

The day is over, the clouds clear outside, and there is the promise of fine weather for the weekend. But for us, a hectic week is over, and bed is calling.

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