But I think you'll have to wait until tomorrow for news of that!
Its what we bloggers call a cliffhanger.

Now, I can't really remember what I did for the morning, but it probably concerned listening to Prince-based radio shows, writing blog posts, editing shots. Outside the clouds cleared, and the sun did shine. So, I gathered up my camera gear and went out in the car, whilst Jools tended the garden. I had a date with a cliff path overlooking the sea wall to record the latest work, and then maybe go to check on the orchids at the Hoe.

Up on the cliff path, I saw at least three cranes, a piling machine and several new piles; you could get some ointment for those you know. As I walked back, the sun came out and the view is fantastic, with the path in the foreground and the view over Shakespeare Beach in the background and the harbour and white cliffs right at the back. Good here, innit?

Indeed there were few nearer the car park than in previous years, and further along they were even more numerous. I met a couple of snappers from Sussex, and showed them where the main part of the colony was, and the very nice variant I found; they seemed very pleased, as was I. I had thought about driving from there back to Kingsdown, but as I looked the clouds seemed to thicken, so I made for home via the cliff road from the castle, reveling in the views from the top over the Channel to France.

There is football in the afternoon on the radio, Leicester thrashed Swansea to move even closer to the title, and all was even better with the world, at least that part which is forever Leicester.

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