And with my next meeting not beginning until ten in the morning, I have the luxury of being able to lay in bed until what, seven, eight? Needless to say, the sun made an appearance sometime before six, and with my window facing east, it shone brightly through the thin curtains at the large picture window.

I get up at half seven, have a shower and get ready for the day, or morning ahead.
Downstairs the restaurant is not too busy, so I have breakfast alone with my thoughts, looking at my fellow diners, muching away, each having their own version of their country's traditional start to the day. After fruit, a bacon roll and a chocolate spread roll, I am done and ready for the drive to Varde, now that the rush hour was over.

We wrap up, go for lunch before it is time for us to go our ways, and for me that leaves either going back to the hotel or to the office in Esbjerg. I take the latter option, taking 20 minutes or so to reach the gates to the harbour, then along to our cabins.
I have reports to write, people to catch up with, a good two hours then. And indeed, at half three, I am done, all caught up, at least for a day, so I can return to the hotel, relax and maybe go for a walk, seeing that spring is about 6 weeks behind up here to what I see back home.

My feet take me in time to the Dronning Louise, were half of the town's ice hokey team are celebrating after winning the national league, or something. They are mostly all American, but very happy, as so are many of the other's in the bar too, toasting their success. Champagne corks popped, toasts were made. I ate chili burger and drank hopped spring beer made in the town. As you do.
Back in the hotel, I watch Barcelona demolish Depotivo 8-0 in another of them footballing lessons they like to do from to time.
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