Friday 17 June 2016

Tuesday 14th June 2016


And what promised to be a very grim day indeed.

I even set the alarm for six fifteen so I could be in work extra early to get a head start. I was asked if either the bed was on fire or I had had an accident in it (ahem) when the rest of the office arrived, but I was up and working already.

Needless to say the summer weather of two weeks ago has long since gone and we have wall to wall cloud with a keen and cool breeze, so being in work is not such a bind when it is so dull outside.

Work is a uphill battle all morning, then I hear Manu is inbound and asking if we want him to bring bagels! So we say we do, so feast on overflowing bagels laden with salad, spicy sauce and who knows what else. Lovely.

And as the afternoon goes on, I win some small battles, so by the time it is time to go back to the hotel, I am in such a good mood that I plan to meet Manu in the bar at six, so we can drink beer and watch football in the hotel before going to Flammen for BBQ, which is mainly meat, meat and more meat.

I had made a reservation, and once we had ordered drinks, had some salad, we got a plateful of meat to fill our bellies. We know this is not good nor healthy, but darn, it tastes so good. Spicy pork, slow cooked beef and a rack of ribs. I pass on a second round, but Manu does and is soon complaining about his full belly.

Back to the hotel to watch the evening game, do some light work and watch the evening ferry depart laden with lorries.

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