Monday 17 April 2023

Monday 17th April 2023

Monday, and the last working day of the week. And indeed, the last working day of the month.

After end of work, I don't go back until May 2nd.

Which is nice.

However, with going away there is the great cat round up, which is as hard as herding cats. But, we think we have cracked it now.

We lay in bed until six, then grab the two tiddlers, Poppy and Cleo, before cornering Mulder and Scully and popping them all in a box. Job done in about ten minutes, with only flesh wounds for me after my battles with Scully.

Jools would go to work, and I would take the cats to the cat prison at, or just before nine. Until then, they would sing to me,

A bright start turned into a cool and grey day, with nothing to tempt me out for a walk. So, work it is.

At quarter to nine, I load the car up with the four bxes and various beds and blankets for the short drive to Whitfield to another new cattery. After checking their vaccinations, we take the cats to their pen, a large family one, with plenty of boxes to hide in. Poor Poppy was shaking with fear, but she did better than Cleo who just refused to come out of the box.

One hundred and seven I have to rush back home for my annual assessment, which was mostly good, so I'm not going to complain.


Two meetings on status updates, and then some loose ends to deal with, travel expenses to complete, working hours for the rest of the month.

And done.

I mow a couple of areas of the lawn meadow, mainly under the bird feeders where its too lush for wild flowers, so try to keep it tamed. I collect the grass as best as I can. But it really was unseasonably cool, too cool to be outside.

Indoors to pack away the office, pop the two spuds in the oven for dinner, and then upstairs to throw my stuff into a suitcase. All tasks done by five.

Jools was to call in at Jen's to drop her car off, I went to meet her there, and catch up with Jen.

But that meant we were both on holiday.

Home for dinner of jacket spuds, cheese, butter and defrosted chilli. A dinner of champions!

Jools goes to pack, there's football to watch.

And we're just about ready.

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