Saturday 1 April 2023

Friday 31st March 2023

So, after work and the monthly average metal price was released by the London Metal Exchange, Jools headed to Ashford to visit her sister. She asked Jools to speak to someone sensible regarding her health, as she didn't trust what she thought she'd heard.

Just as well, really.

She has hyprothyroidism, and probably has had it for several, or even many years. It effects pretty much match the situation she now finds herself in.

If only she had done something before now....

But, now she is having treatment, she will improve, and on top of that does not have cancer, diabetes or anything else she was scared she might have.

There is much to discuss, but a possible way forward. We shall see.

It seems to have been a long week, what with going to the hospital most days, and the hours spent worrying. Anyway, it was Friday and the weekend was looming large over the yardarm.

Ninety But it was raining again.

And there were gales.

Not walking weather.

No going into the garden weather, either, really.

Not much else to tell, really. The usual day at work, ending at two, then clearing up and general stuff before the weekend.

Jols came back at five, we had a brew and a chocolate digestive before the music quiz, and then out in the pouring rain to dahs to Whitfield for supper and cards. In light of the events of the week, more upbeat than would be expected, and so discussed over pizza and wine, before the real serious business of cards.

John won the 40p kitty before we switched to the other game, and Jools scooped the jackpot with the last hand. We ended up about even on the evening.

Jools drove us home though the heavy rain, in just under three hours "flaming" June would start.

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