Friday 31 March 2023

Thursday 30th March 2023

First of all, news about Jools's sister. She has Pneumonia​ in one lung, but the antibiotics are working. She is chippier, sitting up and facing her situation.

So, all pretty much good news.

And apart from that?

Well, wind, rain, warm temperatures and work. Always there's work.

Again Jools decided not to go to the pool, instead she left for work early as she was to end work early to, to go to the hospital.

I make a second coffee, and, well, you know the rest.

Plans as of midday yesterday were:

Easter (4 day weekend).
Valancia, Spain.
May Day weekend..
Coronation weekend.
Aarhus. Auditing.
Week off, general orchiding.
Tour of northen Englalnd, extreme orchiding.
May Day weekend.
Swallowtail butterfly trip to Nofolk.
Svalbard (via Oslo)

That is the next ten weeks, up to the end of the third week in June.

And then in the afternoon the trip to Denmark got scrubbed, which is just as well, really.

So, I plough through work, basing it on agreements made earlier in the week. Once completed I was told those agreements no longer held, so four hours work down the tube.

Eighty nine Sigh.

Even if work's not gorn well, leisure time will be.

Which is good.

Anyway, I bake some bread for my lunch, and in a show of skill, I make it all platted like. Right fancy.

I make three small slices smothered in butter disappear.

And that is it, really. Until the evening and when Jools comes back, I make fritters for dinner, we drink wine, and that's that.

Its light now until just about half seven, but the weather wasn't much for walking in, so we listen to Marc on the wireless and wait for the storm to arrive, which will be overnight.

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