Thursday 23 March 2023

Wednesday 22nd March 2023

January seemed to last a year.

February lasted a week.

And March is marching by at quite a lick.

Next week it will be April, and the week after that, Easter.

And soon after we shall be on our travels, off to that Spain for some culture. And butterflies. And orchids. This weekend Jools is going on a forraging course in deepest Wiltshire and will leave home to go to yoga and then work at six on Friday and not be back home until Sunday afternoon, so she needed to pack and have all her clothes washed and all the kit packed and so on, because we're eating out on Thursday for reasons.

Eighty one And time would run out.

So, Wednesday evening she was busy doing all that, and during the day I had done the washing. In that I had switched the washing machine on and when that was done, transferred the wet washing to the dryer. Not like when Mum used to spend all Monday as slave to the twintub.

Anyway, a busy day, and not walking weather I decided.

Another long day at work, and I had planned to go for a walk, but late afternoon rain put a stop to that.

I went out into the garden with the compact, no new flowers blooming, but soon we will have Pasques, Snakesheads, Crown Fritillaries, tulips and Cowslips,

But not yet.

Fritters for dinner. And wine.

That was all.

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