Friday 3 March 2023

Thursday 2nd March 2023

Thursday, and the end of the week hoves into view, and I begin dream of what larks and japes I can get up to in those two and a half days.

Before then, there is Thursday, a day only remarkable by being the only one without any televised footy on the tellybox.

It was also going to be the sunniest day of the week, just not the warmest, but there was never any doubt I would be going for a walk later.

Spring is coming, in some senses already here, and yet we are expected to get some snow next week, which will come something of a shock especially to the delicate new shoots that have emerged this last week or so.

Jools went for a walk before going to work, failed to look at her watch and found that when she returned it was twenty five past seven, I was already in work and in a call, and she had to drive to Hythe and get something for lunch on the way.


I eased my way into work, though had to come up with a new password, something that after having to do every three months for the last 13 years means I am running out of ideas, but some up with something.

I log out and back on with my new credentials to ensure I could work without interruptions.

The morning passes.

Lunchtime passes.

As does early afternoon, and after a minor emergency, I bin work for the day at half two and go for a walk.

Up Station Road to the top track, then along to Windy Ridge, then back down to Collingwood and across to our street. 6,000 steps, not far, but far enough as it was bloody chilly.

Sixty one The day before I had the camera on the wrong setting, so retake some shots, and notice there are many more Lesser celandines open than on the day before.

Still no butterflies seen.

Back home to watch more train videos, then pack away and prepare breaded chicken, stir fry and soy noodles for dinner. Easy enough but it does mean using four pans, so much washing up.

There is just the radio to listen to in the evening, that and sit with Scully on the sofa as she sleeps, contended.

Will soon join her

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