Wednesday 15 March 2023

Tuesday 14th March 2023

Winter is returning. At least for a day with temperatures set to drop be low freezing on Tusday night with calm winds and clear skies. The garden is paused, though some are making the effort to grow with more plants sprouting either in the beds or in the lawnmeadow. And in six weeks we will be in Spain, on our holibobs, drinking sangria and dancing the tango, rose clamped between our teeth. That's Spain, isn't it?

Seventy three Anyway, we shall see.

For now its work, and for me the final day of my review of compliance requirements against the three main Standards. It seems this task has fired me, and although a third day of it ahead, I knew I had to finish it, so once Jools had left, I got down to it, powered by strong sweet coffee.

Before the sleet It is now getting light at half five in the morning, and the sun rises now just after six in the morning. Even if its not warm like Spring, it looks like Spring, and each morning the sun rises more to the east, so much so that it now rises right along to where Kingsdown Road passes out of view behind the hedges and bushes of our neighbours.

Before the sleet The morning passed really quickly, I had oatcakes and marmalade for lunch, and back to work.

Outside the ligth drizzle of the morning gave way to sunshine, so again at three in the afternoon, I put on my boots and coat and went for a walk. With the return of wet weather thurning the paths and panes back to mud, it means pretty much sticking to just the roads, so fining routes not done before, doubling back. I didn't have my pods as I'm up to date with my podcasts, so went hunting for spring flowers in bloom.

Before the sleet Again.

The light was fantastic, with the fields over towards Westcliffe looking very green indeed.

I took a shot.

Back home to watch another episode of History of Britain, this one all about Henry VIII and his quest to have a male heir. Another lesson in not petting all power rest in one man's hands.

I cook dinner; crispbakes, curried rice and stir fry. Quick and easy. I was singing along to "Saturday Night Beneath the Plastic Palm Trees" by Leightn Buzzards when she came home.

Made I happy.

We ate, washed up and then sat to have coffee. But with no Marc on the Radio I listened to Citeh play in the CL against Leipzig. Looked like it was going to be a close game. Needless to say, Citeh won 7-0, with the lad Haarland scoring 5.

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