Thursday 9 March 2023

Wednesday 8th March 2023

International Women's Day.

Nearly five decades since the equalities act, shouldn't there be actual equality by now?

Asking for 50% of the population......


We woke up expecting a dusting of snow.

None had fallen here, or if it had, it'd long since melted.

So Jools was going to be pretty safe driving to work. She has decided not to go swimming this week, so we lay in to six, light is coming, but that weak, milky light you get when the weather is doing something.

Sixty eight It was sleet. Sleeting. Outside. Great blobs of rain and ice hit the window and ran down, the ice melting.

There seemed little chance of me going out walking. Correctly as it turned out.

I spent the day researching for a series of audits I have to do. So, reading presentations and watching training videos.

I needed wine.

Even at nine in the morning.

But I pressed on, the plan for an audit agenda formed, and makes it look like I did some actual work.

Which would be nice.

I break for lunch, pork stuffing and roast beef sandwiches. A proper sandwich A sandwich of champions. Or an international payboy and quality expert.

Once work was done, I watch Simon Sharma's History of the British Isles, or the first part, which managed to cover everything from the creation of the earth to the Norman Invasion in 58 minutes. I didn't watch it first time round, I'm hoping it gets more detailed otherwise it'll be over in three episodes....

Anyway, time for dinner.

As I have resigned my role as as Chairman of the Aubergine Marketing Board two years ago, I have since taken up a similar position infor the Courgette Marketing Board, which is why we had fritters last night for our tea for the 17th time this week.

The evening was spent listening to Spurs crash out of the Champion's League.

Great that some things never change.....

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