Friday 7 April 2023

Thursday 6th April 2023

Maundy Thursday (DK)

First day of the cricket season (England, rain stopped play).

It is a Bank Holiday in Denmark and Germany, but not here in England, where the only thing I know about Maundy Thursday is the Monarch dishes out money to the poor, or something. Anyway, it was Chaz's first go at doing this.

I worked.

Well, I logged on and tried to do the preparation for my annual assessment, but it was all too complicated, or so it seemed to me. Do I want a promotopn?

Depends, on what I would be doing. What I would like is more for doing the job I do now.

That would be nice.

Yes, that the company realised and recognised what it is we do for the the company and pay us accordingly.

But until hell freezes over.

I also book my flight to Dublin for May. This will be my first trip there, so I am quite excited about that, doubly so as my Grandfather's family (On Mum's side) came from reland at some point. There's no one to ask about it now, of course. All have gone.

Outside it rained.


Pretty much all day.

So when I packed up at two I sat down to watch three episodes of Stanley Tucci eating his war round Italy. Scully laid beside me and purred.

And so, it is Easter. The pause before all the excitement, holidays, trips away and so on. And orchid season.

Ninety six Of course.

I actually dd some chores: bottled the sloe gin and prepared the batch of sloe port to ferment in the jar.

Sloe port I was almost a blur of motion. But kept standing still.

Jools came home, we had dinner. And wine.

For the evening, we savoured Marc on the wireless and then I watched England Ladies play Brazil.

And so another day done....

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