Sunday 16 April 2023

Saturday 15th April 2023

On this day in 1989, I attend an FA Cup semi-final that did not result in the deaths of 97 fans who attended. The other game, at Hillsborough did result in those deaths, and the dead and other fans we blamed for thier deaths.

Although that lie has been revealled as being that lie, no one has been held accountable for the their deaths and the lies that emerged at the same time.

Never forget, and #JFT97.

We will never rest, until there is justice.

On another downbeat note, crisis have many levels, and family ones effect only those in the family, they they are to be dealt with nonetheless.

Being a Saturday, we went shopping, and for only a three day week, we needed not much, but a box of wine was, apparently, essential for the weekend.

Back home, the phone went at eight, it was Jools's sister saying that her scan results were available and an appointment had been made in Ashford for half ten. When she had the scan earlier in the week, she was told there would be a seven or eight week wait for the results.

This seemed way out of expectations.

Jools was going to take Cath, and I would wait at home. Mainly because we had no other car, but also because the rain was falling, and eneded up falling harder and harder. The forecast of endless sunshine in the afternoon seemed at best to be optomistic.

So, Jools left to pick up Cath, leaving me with the cats, the house and the weather.

I watched the last Stanley Tucci show in the cuisnine of Italy, the lastest Sky at Night. In short, the stuff that whiled away the day when life treads water waiting for news.

So, there is news. Might be bad news, or less bad news than expected, but we shall have to see. Jools was on the way back, but wouldn't be be back until two, by which time the rain had indeed stopped and the sun had come out, but in three hours we were to go to Jen's for supper and cards.

One hundred and five So, I stayed home to listen to the football, have a brew with Jools and listen to the football whilst eating a salted caramel Twix.

Jools came home, we talked of the issues the drama of the day had brought. We are very simple people, tell the truth, and when there is a possibility of that the truth is something other than being simple and obvious, it upsets us.

I listened to the fitba': Everton lost to Fulham, Southampton lost to Palace, Spurs lost to Bournemouth, and Chelsea lost to Brighton. Norwich had already lost for the weekend, of course.

So, off to Jen's.

We talked about the events of the day, then dined on homemade lasangne, and played cards.

We eneded up about evens. neither up or down. But lots to think about.

I drove us home, without accident. For a nightcap of dry crackers and a glass of Vin Santo.

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