Friday 14 April 2023

Thursday 13th April 2023

Three working days left until we jet off for that Spain.

I have no idea what to expect, and maybe that's for the best. But we wll miss the cats, and the time when we have to round them up gets ever nearer.

If all goes well, Jools would take delivery of the hire car and she could return the pool car. Though we have been told it will be for only 21 days, and for 12 of those we will be away. But let us see what happens, once we have the keys.

I slept through the alarm, so Jools was up and about and had coffee brewing befoe I stirred.

Once up, I am all ready for work, we talk more about family issues, and not for the last time, I am glad to be free of family issues. Yes, a selfish point of view, but having no one else to worry about is kind of liberating.

Jools left for work, and I set up the office and was ten minutes early starting work.

Not much to report if I'm honest.

Work is in a kind of limbo mainly because of my vacation plans, and that the who of the department has been thrown into chaos. So, I tread water and have meetings, generally keeping up to date with my work.

The weather was fine and calmer, at least in the morning, but there were warnings of storms later in the day, but the chance of rain was 30%, I thought of a walk later in the afternoon. Perhaps.

The weather had other ideas, and storms did form on the south coast, blwon eastwards by a keen westerly, with occasional flashes of lightning showing on the storm radar. It go dark soon after lunch, dark enough to have the table lamp on, anyway, then hail swept in, as the edge of the storm cloud swept by, roating as it went, with clear sunny weather over the Channel, and get hail so heavy it began to look like snow.

One hundred and three Lightning flashed, thunder crashed, and the hail turned to rain, but it remained dark.

For a while.

In fact, by the time Jools returned home in a Citroen POS, there was bright late afternoon sunshine, and it contrasted well with the black cloudy skies. We should have gone for a walk, but we were both tired, so after feasting on fritters and wine (or cider), we cleared away and had coffee.

So, two working days to go before holiday. And a weekend.

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