Saturday, 22 March 2025

Thursday 20th March 2025

And on to Thursday, my penultimate day at work, and one which I HAVE to finish the audit report ready for Friday.

In preparation for much redrafting, Jools was bringing home fish and chips for dinner, so I could work later, all I had to do was keep my procrastination under control.

Seventy nine Easier said than done.

Jools woke me from a dream where I was trapped on a wooden sailing ship owned by The New York Dolls, look I don't know how my brain works, to the land of living, and to work.

Daffettes I had a coffee, then got down to work trying to make sense of my notes, working my way through, taking breaks every hour to speak with soon to be former colleagues.

Come lunchtime, Fra also done some work, we combined our efforts, and by four, it was done. Just some checking and I could could stop at half four, log off.

Pulsatilla vulgaris I made a coffee and sat with Scully until it was time to feed them and make sure the plates were warm and the kettle kept freshly boiled.

Battered sausage and chips, with brews, all freshly cooked, crispy and golden. We ate quickly, and relaxed.

I found some football to watch, Denmark v Portugal, and the Danes won 1-0 with that Ronaldo bloke having a stinker. So it goes, so it goes.

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