Saturday 12 October 2024

Friday 11th October 2024

We try to look forward, and not back. And yet some days it's impossible.

Friday was the day of the monthly department meeting, and yet we have no manager currently, so those of us who have to pick up the pieces meet and discuss the way forward.

As we're Mexicans rather than Mexicants, there is a way, but it means a large amount of work.

Of course.

Up before dawn, have coffee and once Jools left for work, put the bins out.

Cold at first, but with clear skies it would soon warm up.

This is my last day before a week away, so much to catch up on and arrange, not least a trip to France at the beginning of next moth to squeeze in.

We have the department meeting at eleven. Without upcoming audits we might just be able to cope, but with plans in tatters, we have to pull in other people to help out, to coordinate.

After lunch, I had a 1:1 with my ex-manager's manager.

When we talk there is a back and forth as we listen to what each other says, and weighs possible replies. I have to check that a replacement is being sought as I am now ten months from retiring, and need to share some of the fourteen and a half years experience with whoever gets to fill my shoes.

And that can't be done in a few days.

By the time we're done, Jools is back, changed and we're ready to got o Jen's, where there would be no lunch.

Two hundred and eighty five Except the two vegetable and chorizo pizzas she'd made.

So as we play cards, we eat and drink wine.

About even by half five when we leave, though at one point Jools and I were down to mere pennies.

Back home for the music quiz, and then more international football on YouTube.

I won't bore you, but Hungary drew 1-1 with the Netherlands in a compelling game.

And then it was ten to ten, and long past my bedtime.


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