Tuesday 8 October 2024

The return of Brexit

If the UK were to rejoin the EU, what Brexit "freedom", would you miss the most?

This is the rhetorical we should pose to people who voted and lused the UK to leave the EU.

Because, some three years and nine months after Brexit itself, its not been implemented fully.

By the UK at least.

News came yesterday that the finalphase of inspections for incoming goods, on fruit and vegetables, was to be delayed until July 2025 at least. Inspection on meat and animal products was introduced in April this year.

Use of the Border Target Operating Model was due to be begin on Oct. 31 this year, but has been delayed as IT isn't ready, and prepartion and training for users has not begun.

Its at this point I remind the reader that on the EU die, facilities were ready by Autumn 2019 for all checks and inspections.

There is less choice on the shelves, and costs are higher than in other European countries. Next month electronic waivers, like the USA uses, are to be brought in for people from third countries, including the UK, entering the EU area. This will create more delays, of course.

Meanwhile, with his latest fiction boook, sorry autobiography, about to be released, Alexander Boris de Piffel Johnson has been doing the media rounds defending his record and Brexit. And falling back on the old lie about the vaccine rollout being quicker in the UK than in the EU because of Brexit.

In 2020, the UK and EU had the transition agreement, where the UK followed EU regluations like it was a member state, therefore the procurement of vaccines outside of the EU's control or approval, was open to all EU member states, not just the UK, if they wanted.

So, another lie.

Also, Johnso stated in another interview over the weekend that the debate about Brexit was only interestinf him as he wanted to win, it was, he says, David Cameroon's job to make Brexit work by publishing a white paper. Brexit, as he knew, was going to be a disaster for the UK, economically and in its position on the world stage, and yet it campaigned for it because he liked to win? There should be a place for Johnson waiting in the Tower of London, that he should play so free and easy with the fortunes of the nation as "liked to win debates"? There is talk of freedom of movement to return for the under 30s. This has been offered by the EU previously, and something Starmer might persue. If any kind of freedom of movement were to return to all of us, we would leave the UK and not look back.

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