Saturday 12 October 2024

Thursday 10th October 2024

The week gallops on, and I cling onto its reigns and try to enjoy it.

I am enjoying it, I mean, I have reasons, and next week I travel for work and have a not very packed four days to fill with audit shenanigans.

In the meantime it rains.

Of course.

The ex-hurricane that was due to come here, faded and drifted east over France apparently. And instead we got frost and drizzle.

Not at the same time.

There's always work to deal with, though I am getting on top of things, bit by bit.

Next week, I am travelling, Henrik is in Spain also auditing, and Rune is going to Crete for a family holiday, if the doctor allows him with his broken fingers. So, things will be quiet.

Outside, it drizzled, and was cold enough to have to wear a jumper and have the heating on, and the final quarter light closed for cats to escape, thus leaving just the flap for them, and the possibility of Mulder and Scully ambushing the kittens. Though they're not actual kittens.

Two hundred and eighty four The day slid by, slowly. I pack up and watch some stuff on YouTube before cooking dinner and telling myself I needed a glass of wine.

I sent a second down to keep the first one company.

As you do.

Jools came home, I serve the food, we toast. We eat.

And then we gather our strength for the clearing up, all to be done before quarter to eight as England were playing.

Greece have never beaten England. Nor scored at either Wembley Stadiums. So it should be no surprise to hear Greece won, deservedly, 2-1.

In the picture, no matter how we try to rid the garden of passionflowers, the bloody thing returns every year.

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