Wednesday 9 October 2024

Monday 7th October 2024

It is now, clearly, autumn, and weather at best can be changeable. Bright sunshine in the morning, heavy rain in the afternoon, with more rain in the evening.

It is unseasonably warm at night, meaning I slept poorly, so the day was a battle to avoid migraines and falling asleep in the afternoon.

I promised myself an early night that night, as it is an international break week.

I now have no fear about logging on for work, so once Jools leaves, I begin, and find little happened over the weekend, as I dealt with the only mail when it came in on Saturday morning when on the train to that London.

Two hundred and eighty one Not much else to report, if I'm honest. At times it was warm enough to sit on the patio, but butterflies were very few and far between and all failed to settle.

Needless to say, Mulder and Scully joined me as I enjoyed the rays, as I looked at the birds on the feeders.

In the beds, a double autumn flowering crocus has appeared, and so with no real competition, becomes the shot of the day.

Jools cancelled the aquacise, so I had dinner to prepare and have ready when she same home: breaded chicken, Moroccan spiced rice, corn and garlic mushrooms.

All yummy. And I cracked open a new bottle of wine.

Bed did come before eight, and I soon fell into a deep, deep sleep.

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