Yesterday I wrote a blog, like today, and edited lots and lots of pictures from the London trip. I got so many good ones, a mix of interesting building and landscapes and others of people, which are just as interesting.
We went to the pub quiz at the Harbour Board Social Club, the usual stuff; Jools and I answering most of the questions, writing them answers down, listening to the small talk of the others in the team. I think we have reached the end for now and will give next month's quiz a miss.
We finished 4th, which is about right for us, just outside the placings.
As we headed home, we past the castle which was shrouded in fog, but the floodlights made it look like it was on fire; we did think about heading back out with camera and tripod, but thought better of it.
Today, two friends came over from Ashford, and they took me into Deal to have breakfast on the pier. It is always nice, and the occasional full English is rather nice. The rain started to fall heavier, and after dashing to the bead shop for Jools we headed back here for coffee and they headed back home and me to settle down and listen to the radio.

Jools is now home and I have two small cheesy potato loaves baking in the oven, and they will go very well with the tomato and basil soup for dinner; all we need now is for the logs on the fire to catch and we will be toasty and warm all evening.
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