Wednesday 9 December 2009

I know you got boxing on ice with the stars

So, here's an update on the reality situation at the factory.

Not much to tell, really. On Monday I did the usual stuff, in the afternoon working with a couple of sour old women who held a grudge that a few weeks ago as a QA I had rejected some of their work; speaks more about them than me I guess, but they tried to make my life uncomfortable for an afternoon whilst I stuck calico onto some white card.

Ho well, time passed.

Tuesday was much better; I worked with a great small team folding CD covers, and we had a laugh and ribbed each other. Days like that make work bearable, you know?

Today I actually did some training; in that I was trained, I say trained, shown what to do and left to it; But I worked the mouther and press on the Folio line, and did ok; better once the mouther did it's job rather than crushing the slipcases. I had to concentrate, and so time flew and soon the day came to an end.

I don't know what tomorrow will bring; it's Thursday, and nearer the weekend of course. Work is supposed to be light next week, and so I expect to have next week off no matter what; restarting in January if I have a job, or signing on if I don't.

I was let go home early; only Jools had gone to Canterbury shopping, and so I walked some of the way home. I got down all of Combe Valley Road, along Cherrytree and right to Conaught Road. Up that and right to the Castle, buy which point I ran out of pavement and so waited for the call from Julie to let me know she was near.

I cooked herb crusted pork with pesto pasta and chorizo and two cheese bread; of would have been, so made do with left over paprika chicken from last night. Darn good it was too, and enough left over for lunch tomorrow, bt they'll probably froun at a glass or two of red wine which I had tonight.

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