We had been given membership to English Heritage for our wedding, and cashed them in last summer, and so entry would be free for us, and as it's just a 5 minute drive from here; so why not?
We stopped on the way, to look out over the channel, as the sun was breaking through the cloud, and cast wonderful patterns on the sea, and way over to the north east, Calais could be seen poking it's head over the horizon.
Being just gone ten, we were able to drive up the steep road to the castle and were waved in, through the wall and past the WW2 lookouts to the car park. In the ticket office we were offered Christmas dinner that day for £15 as we were members; but we had luxury Tesco curries waiting for us back home and had to pass, though the thought of dinner in such wonderful surroundings was tempting.

We headed down an unmarked path towards the lookouts with views over East Cliff below and then over the docks and breakwater to the Channel beyond. Having snapped away, we made our way to the main keep and to where we knew there was a cafe as coffee and snacks were called for; a sandwich and a scone and two hot drinks came to nearly £9, but luckily for them, were rather wonderful.

And then to the keep; it had just been reopened after renovation, and now had actors playing parts of kings, servants and guards, and all very informative it was. Being so early, we had the place pretty much to ourselves and I let rip with the camera.

The King's chambers was all decked in flags and colourful wall hangings; the King invited people to sit on his throne! We made our way to the spiral staircase and then up to the roof with wonderful views over the town and ramparts.

As the tower began to fill with people, we decided to leave and go and visit the old folks, or Jools' family anyway. We confirmed that we have been invited for Christmas dinner, and so no need to rush out and order a butterball turkey.
And then back home to sit down in front of the TV to watch the Liverpool vs Arsenal game and have another coffee and another thick slice of Dundee Cake; just glad we did make the seconds one just in case!
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