That freaked it out and it jumped up screeching. I tried to grab its tail; my other trick for dealing with mice. That freaked him out further and I got a bite for my troubles.
Jools came down and between us we managed to shepherd it into the porch and then out the door with Scully close behind having a fine time. Lets hope my jabs are up to date now……..

It is always wonderful to wake up on a Sunday morning to see the sun shining outside. Even if it through a veil of mist. By the time we got up and made pot of coffee the mist had burnt off and it was glorious. Glorious but cold.

Anyway, after catching up on the highlights of the football, we put on our walking boots and headed out into the spring sunshine. We headed down the lane to see the pigs first and then set off down the valley and up the other side. The sun shone down from a blue sky, and it began to get warm. I was glad to have left my coat behind. In the hedgerows, life is springing forth, bushes and trees are in bud and their leaves are exploding too.
We crossed the cycle path to Deal and headed over the fields towards the cliffs. Jools spotted a butterfly, a Peacock, and I managed to get a reasonable shot even though it was on the ground and flew away as I got near. Later I spotted a Small Tortoiseshell too later, and I got a distant shot of that as well.

The car park at Bluebirds was full with ramblers, dog walkers and twitchers. So, after sitting on the single bench for a while taking the scene in, we headed to Bluebirds for a cuppa and a piece of shortbread. Galvanised, we set off through the village by alleyways back home. I guess we were out for over two and a half hours, and it was just joyous to be out in the sunshine and the countryside around where we live. We both had huge smiles as we returned, just from the joy of it.

That afternoon we did more garden work, and I listened to the football during which that nice bloke, Louis Suarez bit an opponent. Words fail me……..
One thing that did get missed in all of the hassle of last week with work, travel and the such was that it was the 17th anniversary of Dad's passing on Wednesday. I feel slightly bad, but in truth barely a day goes by where I don't use one of his phrases or think what he would have made of a certain situation.Time does and has taken away the pain, but nothing fills the hole, and I hope he would be pleased with what I have made of my life. I'm sure he would be pleased enough.
Hello. I wanted to try to contact you regarding a photo you have posted on Flickr. I'd be grateful if you could possibly drop me an email at dwellmeister at gmail dot com.
Many thanks
It depends on what you want the image for, if it is for commercial use there will be a charge.
and depends on the image.
It is always best to Flickrmail me as I am more active on there during the week.
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