Tuesday 2 April 2013

Tuesday 2nd April 2013

So, back at work this morning. A nice pleasant drive in the sun rose above the horizon, through light traffic. Once in the office I get a call from the QC guy in Esbjerg, all is well. Oh, I am leaving in two weeks.

Just like that.

Not really sure what it means for me, other than that a lot of his duties will be mine until we get a replacement. Not happy about that, especially with no notice and I was hoping to do much less travelling. So, it does mean I am away for the next three weeks at least, and probably much more beyond that.

Last night it was badger central at our house; four of the hungry buggers all round eating away. I guess it really shows how scarce food is out in the country at the moment. I noticed there is no spring growth yesterday, no fresh grass in the fields and nothing in the hedgerows. This afternoon the wind has really picked up again and outside I can see the sea being whipped up into white horses and I am sure it is mighty cold still.

However, the weatherman suggested this morning that the end is in sight and we should see a warming at the beginning of next week, which should herald the arrival of spring.

At last.

So, in a bid to feel more full of the joys of spring, I stopped off at the farm above the port at Dover to look at the lambs and try to snap them. So here it is, the proof of spring:

It is Spring! Honest

And I must be feeling better as I went on the cross-trainer this evening too! However, it is beer and pizza night so, something good/something bad. And Champion's League on TV too. Messi trying to score in his 20th consecutive game.....

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