Yes, it is Saturday teatime, and Dr Who is on TV; everything is as it should be.
It has been a glorious day, although we have not done much with it: we laid in bed until very nearly eight o'clock, the cats were patient for their breakfast. Once up we had coffee and thought about what we should do, the morning was grey but with a promise of sunshine later.
I sat down and read the train porn that I have been dipping in and out of all week, then listened to Fighting Talk on the radio whilst keeping one eye on the birds in the garden. I did struggle to keep my eyes open, and just about heard the whole program before leaping up(!) to make lunch of cheese on toast followed by fresh fruit salad.

Then we went out: a quick drive to the lighthouse and an amble along the clifftops to the cleft. It is odd, now following the cliff fall the other week, I treat the cliffs with more respect, and notice more gaps and crevices along the cliff top, each one a potential cliff fall. It is a long way to the beach below, some 100m or so, and i have no desire to be getting up close and personal with the rocks down below.

We sat amongst the dead, tall grass, soon to be replaced with fresh growth; it really did feel like the end of winter. We were not alone on the cliffs, a constant stream of walkers passed us by, many speaking in a different language than ours. But I wanted to tell them all that we LIVE here, how wonderful is that?

we headed home for a cuppa and for me to listen to the football on the radio. City drew 2-2 with Swansea, and sounded a much better performance, and lets be honest, scored two goals! So, onwards and upwards, and hopefully survival is just around the corner. I did watch the horse-carnage that is the Grand National, and very good it was too, won by a horse with a small bloke on its back; how wonderful.
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