And so, welcome to Tuesday and welcome to Denmark.
To describe today as hectic would be to have a new definition for hectic. The installation vessel has arrived and is about to begin loading the turbines before sailing to site. As you can imagine there are issue and there are urgent issues to deal with. So, people with various degrees of panic rush around getting stuff done. But this is a learning curve, a steep one, but we are learning and will get better.

Today is a day given over to SAP. SAP is a program for tracking things. And is good, as good as the information put into it. So there you see the problem, doubly with me as the person inputting the data. But, it seems to be working.

Yesterday was an uneventful day, working from home tackling the full inbox and getting stuff done, before at three dropping everything to head to Denmark. The trip was also uneventful, for me it is now so out of the ordinary I don’t think twice about what I have to do. Jools collects me, and drops me off at the staion, I get my ticket, get a seat on the waiting train before heading off. Once at Statford, get on the DLR, get off at the airport. Check in and getting my boarding pass printed, check the bags in, go through security (no queues at all yesterday!!) and get a table and order a beer and a burger. That leaves with 45 minutes to people watch before going to the gate and boarding.

Sadly, it was very cloudy, so once we took off, 30 seconds later we went through the clods and England was lost below; so no pictures of the Essex and Suffolk coasts.

Once at Billund, get off, go through immigration, collect my bag, go to the car hire place, sign the paperwork, head to the car park, find the car and drive the 64 KM to Esbjerg. No hassles or worries. And I have an Audi A3 this week, which is a dream to drive, by far the best car I have been given.

FC Esbjerg must have been playing at home last night, as drunken fans were wandering the streets until after midnight singing and letting off fireworks. Once it was quiet I fell into a deep sleep.
So it goes, so it goes.
You know, it should be simple. Work. You ask folks to do stuff and they do it. Sorted. But broken promises and the sloping of shoulders goes on. But, I digress.
Last night I did go to Paddy Go Easy for a pint before heading to Bones for a slap up meal of ribs and fries. And then heading back to the hotel via Paddy Go Easy again to watch the football on TV. And Bayern thumped Barca 4-0 in a spectacular game. Words fail me.
In a nice move, no one let fireworks off outside the hotel last night so I slept well.
And today work is getting ever crazier. I mean, I am trying to get a handle on it all. I have spent the day inputting data into SAP. SAP is a program with does stuff. I can only hope the data that I am tapping in will actually be of use to someone and will not just sit there unused like the cup final loser’s ribbons.
So, outside the rain has begun to fall from a cloudy sky. And out in the yard the turbine components are being loaded onto the installation vessel. Things move forward.
Plan for tonight.
Paddy Go Easy.
Like yesterday only a day nearer when I can go home. Which is tomorrow.
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