due to my late arrival back at Chez Jelltex the night before, we switched off the alarm to allow something akin to a lay-in to take place. In the end I think we were up before six-fifteen. We got ready for work, I dropped Jools off at the lFB and I headed to Ramsgate, the first time I have ckmmuted there in over a month.
In the office I had to tell folks about the promotion, and they told me that due to the extra staff being taken on I would be losing my desk. Oh well. Plus la change!
I caught up on my mails, and did my expenses, or three weeks out of the four and crunched some numbers. And at one fifteen the second 'oh fuck it' moment of the week happened and I switched the computer off and headed for the door. I think that with my weekend finishing at about three on Sunday afternoon, an early stack was well deserved.
I had looked at the weather, and cloud with a stiff breeze forecasted for Saturday. So, having seen some shots of White Admirals as East Blean, that's where I headed. A quick blast along the Thanet Way to Herne Hill, turned off onto the Canterbury road, and off that into the woodland along the single track road to the car park.

Once parked up, I see I was beside another photographer who was having a quick bite to eat, his gear on the passenger seat beside him. 'Any luck?' I ask. 'What with the Admiral? Yeah, lots of shots, he keeps going back to the same tree'. And he shows me where the tree is, a few feet from where the Heath Fritillaries were seen last year. And speaking of which, the air was full of them aain, many more than the four or so we saw last year.
we waited a few minutes and then we saw the flash of black and white as the White Admiral glided into view, circled the tree a couple of times before settling. We got shots, and as he repeated this over and over again, sometimes we got closer, sometimes not. After an hour I thought I had the shots so packed up to go and collect Jools from work, so we could head home to sip coffee on the patio.

That evening we headed to Jools' bother's place for a BBQ, as his daughter was on a flying visit with her boyfriend, and they are due to fly back to Aus in the middle of the week, so it was a chance for the rest of us to say hi and goodbye.
It was a glorious evening, and we sipped beers and munched burgers and bangers until it started to get dark, at which point we headed back to the house for a whisky on the patio before bedtime.
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