As this is the second week of three during which I will be travelling to Denmark, but this week I did not have to fly out until the evening, so I get to work from home during the day before having to head to the station and onwards to London and the airport.

Life with cats seem to be settling down, with Mulder being the happiest with cat #4, aka Bowie, being in the house. Molly being Queen B is not going to let him get in the way of her favourite sleeping places or dinner. So she is pretty OK with it now. That just leaves Scully who will only enter the house to eat before scampering out again. But day on day, things are getting better, and hopefully soon enough each will have a bed, or place to sleep and escape to.

So, outside the sun beat down on our garden and the south east in general. Jools picks me up at three and we head to the station, and so begins the long trip to Arhus. Yes, a change in destination as I should have been doing an audit on Tuesday, but that was postponed, too late to change or cancel my travel.

Kent and south Essex is a fine sight at the height of summer, all is green and in flower, crops are ripening, and it all looks very wonderful to look at. London was surprisingly quiet, so I made my way onto the DLR and onto the airport. I check in and go through security then grab a burger from the small restaurant whilst I watch the news headlines on the large screen TV. It is all so normal for me, I really don’t think to much about it, but this life can be quite amazing.
We are late taking off, but not by much, and we are soon soaring into the evening skies. I get some fine shots as we fly along the A12 of Chelmsford, Colchester and Ipswich. And as we head out to sea over Sizewell, I am treated to a fine view of all of east Suffolk and Norfolk. I take many shots, most of which come out.
At the airport I am given a Golf Plus for the week, and I program the sat nav and head up to Arhus in the deepening gloom in what counts as night in these northern climes.
I find the hotel, and like I expected the kitchens had long since closed for the night, so there was nothing to do other than head to my room, grab a shower and head to bed.
Tuesday. I pack my stuff and head down to the lobby for breakfast and to check out, only to discover two busloads of Dutch OAPs there, all milling around dragging their cases behind them, generally taking up space. I look in the breakfast bar and see more of them, so I decide to skip breakfast and go to work. Work is our head office, and is just a short drive away.
I park up and am relieved to find that my swipe card now works and I am granted entry to our office, only to find just about everyone on holiday and just three others already at their desks. My old/new boss, I know I et confused now, is on holiday, so no meetings with her. I set up at an emprty desk and after a couple of cups of coffee I start work.
After a conference, I pack my computer away and head out to the car for the drive down to Esbjerg where yet another meeting awaits. Driving down the motorway in unbroken sunshine was really wonderful, and being in a brand new car, that a day before had just 7km on the clock was a joy. Sadly, all too soon I arrived at the port and it was time to get back to work and earn my crust for the day.
After checking into another hotel, I meet Gary at half seven and we head to Bones for a meal. And as I had not had ribs for several weeks now, I felt it was time to right that wrong. And very pleasant it was too, a huge plate of ribs, salad and a large glass of ice cold Danish Beer. Not bad day, all in all.
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