Last day of the week off, and it just rushes by, I mean it's half seven now and will soon be time for bed and then work on the morrow. Sigh. And what with summer having arrived over the weekend. Yes, summer, with days upon days of unbroked sunshine and nights of broken sleep caused by high temperatures. And the heatwave, if that what it is, is going to last most of the week and into next weekend. Unless you are going to denmark, in which expect anything, even snow....
We walked to the glade this morning. By obsession with orchids has meant that our walks round our neighbourhood have been lapsing over recent months, so after breakfast we ulled on our walking shoes and bimbled along the lane. And PHEW, it was already hot at half eight! I only like going there to chase butterflies, but just the act of walking was hard, hot work.

We saw a couple of blues, almost certainly Commons, and a brown, but that might have been a female Common. That done, it was enough to walk back home and sit in the shade. Later in the morning I head back to the verge-side nature reserve on Lydden Hill hoping to see an Adonis; nothing doing but I see a whole load of Meadow Browns, Small Skippers, Common Blues and finally, some Marbled Whites. which Ilearn are not 'whites' as such, but 'browns'. If that makes sense.... Another bonus is the mass of Pyramidal Orchids up there, not in a carpet, but peppering the hillside with dark purple patches. I really feel these are very under-rated orchids.

Nan came round this afternoon to watch the tennis: Andy Murry in his 2nd final, and he wins. He really does. And in style, in straight sets, thus becoming the first Brit to win there since 1936 when Fred Perry won. He won his fifth match point as i was dishing dinner up, roast beef and all the trimmings, which was rather nice I have to say. Although by this point i was rather hot and bothered.
One final piece of sporting news is that Norwich captain and all round top bloke, Grant Holt, is to join Wigan in the Championship tomorrow. All good things must end, but it seems so soon, but these four seasons have been a wild ride, beyond our wildest dreams, and Grant was always the mover and shaker. Good luck, and thanks. Many thanks.
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