And settling back into the old routine of working at Ramsgate. Always amazed at the dreadful state of the driving abilities of drivers round here. It is always a relief to turn down the road to the harbour, as there are no ferries running from Ramsgate now, I am usually on the road on my own.
Anyway, so work goes on.
At the end of day, I went back to dover, picked up Jools and whilst she got ready for yoga, I got ready and went back on the cross trainer. I selected a good choice of music and drew a big deep breath and climbed on. Phew. The first session over, I could head outside to cool down, sorrounded by various cats to draw breath, and get ready for Jools' return laden, as she would be, with fish and chips.
Today marked the start of the new phase in my working life. I can't go into too many details about the meeting, as it has commercial implications, but the huge responsibilities I will be taking on came home into the vast empty spaces between my ears. Oh yes, it is big, expensive and scary. And I am in charge. Be scared. Very scared.
After work, I went to pick up Jools from work and then we went to the National Trust's place on the white cliffs to look for some Chalkhill Blues. We dodged the French and Belgian tourists who were getting to grips with the narrow parking spaces, we headed to the top car park, and set out for butterflies.

We did see many fying about, and in the breeze and weak sunshine, many were sunning themselves, almost perfect conditions to snap butterflies. So, I got my shots, although there were none mating. It was good to get shots of them from all angles.

We went back home, and then, I girded my loins and went on the cross trainer again. Another session, this one much hotter than the day before. But, I did it, and went back outside to cool down again, although in the weak sunshine it wasn't that cool.
I spent the evening writing the Kentish churches we have visited over the past four years into a notebook, as we have now done so many, future visits will have to be planned like a military operation, although with less collateral damage one hopes.
See you next month.....
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