I drop Jools off at work, and then head to my first task of the day; checking Folkestone Down for Bee Orchids. Sadly, I see none, and the cattle kept there to keep the grass down look like they have been munching on orchid too, as there were very few up there. However, I did get to watch trains going in and out of the Channel Tunnel below, never a wasted trip to Castle Hill.

Next up was Western Heights, as I had been tipped off this is where Britain's tiniest butterfly, the Small Blue, could be found. I had detailed directions, I parked the car climbed the bank, but saw nothing. Nothing except a fine display of hundreds of Common Spotted Orchids. So, I snap a few, then walk down and catch a glimpse of a tiny blue things fluttering. These were the Small Blues: I watch a couple, see where they land and get shots. Not good ones, but as these are so small, I am happy enough with the results.

And finally to Lydden Hill to try to snap the Adonis Blue, another first for me, but there was nothing at the first place I went. I say nothing, plenty of Pyramidal Orchids coming into flower, and more in the lower area nearer the village. I did see one Adonis, there can be no doubt as it was the most stunning shade of deep blue. I snap some sleepy Common Blues, and happy with the morning's work I head to Dad's to check up on Bowie.
I go in and all the doors are open, so are the windows, which mean only one thing; Bowie has escaped. Indeed this was the case, he got out Monday night and had not been seen since. not much to say, other than not to blame Dad, and then go home to ring round the RSPCA and vets to report him missing.

Dad is angry with himself, but there was always the chance, especially as Bowie had been locked up for three weeks, and he had had a traumatic day Sunday what with one thing and another.
We were subdued that night, but at just before then the phone goes, and its Dad saying Bowie had returned and was now locked up safely inside. Which makes us all feel better about things.
Out this morning, despite it being grey and misty, to hunt for the ever elusive Musk Orchid. we drive out to Folkestone, and then up the Elham Valley. We were armed with quite detailed instructions to find them, so we set off.A fruitless half an hour was frustrating, and just as I was about to give up, Jools shouted she had found something. And sure enough, a few tiny orchids could be seen.

So, we got down and snapped them,then noticed a few more around, and so snapped them too. Also aroundwere some pure white versions of the Fragrant Orchids, which I snapped too. Just as we leave, I stoop down to take a sniff of the Musk Orchid, and was rewarded with a strong blast of a honey-smell. Wonderful.

We have been advised to go one evening with the air is full of their scent; we might just try that.

We call at Dad's to check on Bowie, who seems none the worse for his day out,and is in good shape and almost clean again. We brush him, but his fur still moults and leaves hairs all over the room. This is going to be tricky to live with.
So, we're off again for a few days, see you at the weekend....
1 comment:
There's a colony of Small Blues near the Monument. Park Gate is fantastic, Monkeys were/are wonderful this year.
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