Wednesday 26 February 2014

Wednesday 26th February 2015


I head into work, in truth is is so much better than the commute to Denmark, in that I know I will be home at night. It is light now when we leave home, and by the time I have dropped Jools off and headed back to Whitfield, the sun is above the horizon getting brighter by the second. As I no longer have a desk as such, I have to time my arrival for when I think the monkeys are ready to head to the boats, if they are going offshore of course.

On Monday the wind was still blowing some from the weekend, or at least the sea had not calmed down. I sit at Pete's desk for a while, until he shows up, but he tells me that he is leaving within the hour so just stay. And being a Spurs fan and a man of honour, he shakes my hand to congratulate my on City's win the day before. Nice man.

Even with the guys in the office, its not too bad and I get work done, mails sent, meetings arranged and the such like. As I am working away I manage to miss the sandwich wagon at 11, and so have to make do with crisps and pop from the vending machine.

The day passes and soon enough its time to head back home. How nice to be heading back in bright sunshine, with the sun still an hour away from setting. The shadows are less long, even at this hour than a month ago. The year is pressing on.

Once home we have coffee after feeding the cats, of course. And somehow the evening slips though our fingers and it is ten o'clock and time for bed, again.


Woking from home.

I get up at half six, make another coffee, feed the birds and generally busy myself before it is time to log on with the work's computer, and battle the daily evil that is the VPN client, and we play the daily game; will I be able to log on or not?

In the end I can, and the day passes slowly, disturbed as I am occasionally by a random cat asking for food/attention/meow. And I have to attend a webinar on the mix of cultures between us in the west and our new partners in Japan. The lecture drags on and on, with half an hour taken with explaining on how to exchange business cards. and then the dos and don'ts; don't blow your nose in a room with our partners, you have to go out of the room! And other such gems which I have forgotten.

Out IT manager sends a mail telling us we have to upgrade to Windows 8 by March 10th, so I decide to try to get it done tomorrow when I'm back at Ramsgate. Little did I know how difficult that would be....

but that is another story.

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