Oh my gosh, what a day! Well, let me put it this way, i did not have to do a foot patrol in Helmund, or set to sail in a lifeboat to rescue sailors in peril, or rush into a burning house to save a damsel. No, I had to calculate the month KPIs. That and do the other stuff that is expected, attend two meetings and apparently I have a stake in another project now and so have scheduled more meetings regarding that.
And then send mails to the customer, do my expenses. Oh lordy by three i was shattered, but I had done it all. I decided to head home as Jools had to take the day off with a dodgy tummy. I knew it was bad when it only took three attempts to persuade her to take the day off. And that is a record, a record in that this is only the second day I think she has taken off in the seven years I have known her. She took to bed all day, and alternatively shivered and sweated.

I did stop on the way home to snap something with the new camera, and very good it seems with the 50mm. But the light was fading, so I headed hoe to see how Jools was. She was OK, but still not fit for eating, so after talking a while, she went back to bed, and I spent the evening quietly listening to the radio and keeping an eye on the newsfeed from the BBC as it was the last few hours of the transfer window.
The transfer window if you didn't know is when clubs and buy and sell players, it lasts all of January, but most business is done on the last day, and most of that done in the last few crazy hours. Odd then that it is all so ineffectual, the players bought are overpriced, and mostly do not work out well for the buying clubs. But such is the desperation that most fans expect more and more money to be spent so their club can climb the one or two extra places to qualify for Europe or escape relegation. The farce ended at eleven, although it didn't as clubs have an extra two hours to clear paperwork on ongoing deals. I bailed at quarter past, with Norwich failing to sign anyone that day. I don't think it would have made any difference, they spent £30m in the summer and are doing no better than last year. Spending another 5 or ten would not guarantee anything.

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