Friday 28 February 2014

Friday 28th February 2014

Well, my friends, we have made it to both the end of the week and the end of the month. It was pay day yesterday and now we have two days of rest ahead of us. Let us be thankful for that.


I won't bore you with news of work, it bores me and I have to deal with it and the issues, so lets just say that I am off to sunny DK next week and so will not have to deal with the tiny minds of the Sun readers in the office in Ramsgate. And yes, I do mean every word of it. Listening to the monkeys yesterday explaining to each other why they should have been team leader rather than the degree-educated chap who came in at the end of last year. Yeah, how did that ever happen?


Last night we headed to the cliffs at nine to snap the stars as it near to new moon, and so the stars will be at their brightest. So we headed along the road to dover Patrol, trying to avoid the pot-holes until we came to the car park. Instead of heading to the cliff edge, we set up the tripods in the car park next to the monument and away we went.

Dover Patrol

We even met another couple of photographers, and said an embarrassed 'hi' as though our dirty secrets were out.

Orion was clear as a bell and Betelgeuse showing bright, large and red. I snapped the clouds over Calais which came out really well indeed. But it was chilly out on the cliffs, and after some 14 shots we headed back to the car and back home. Brrrrr.


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