It can be said that the first week back at work after a holiday, can seem to last forever. And indeed this was the case yesterday. Due to work pressure I really should have gone into the office at Ramsgate to get my travel expenses, but if I am honest with you, I couldn't be arsed. There, I said it. So, I lay in bed whilst Jools made coffee, fed the cats and then I cam down, drank coffee and got ready for the day ahead.
My Fridays now will be four hours of meetings. That is every Friday, as we battle issues with our once parent company. So, I am now sitting on meetings, trying to make sure things will go well when it is my turn to bat. Easier said than done. The morning turned into afternoon, and in the end it was half one before I could actually turn to the work of the day, the work that needed to be done, rather than sit in on meetings. But by then there were other issues.

As I said yesterday, the guys finished rendering the house Thursday night, and so we were looking forward to some peace and quiet after ten days of work going on and the house being a building site. Now, we didn't mind the guys working, or the work itself, it was that it is our home and we want it to be all done with. So, the reason for staying home Friday was there was going to me no one demanding tea, smoking or any knocking and banging. That is, until the trucks turned up.
Trucks? I hear you ask. Yes, scaffolders. I went outside to see three sweaty men looking at the house talking about how to take the scaffolding down. Nesw to me as this was not supposed to be happening for a week. They span me a story about how the 'plasterer' said he had finished and the scaffold could be taken down. When in truth, it is more than likely that they needed the parts for another job. And that two trucks were here just confirmed this. So, after trying to get hold of Jools to ask if this was planned, I just let them get on with it.

The work remaining can be done with ladders, and anyway, I wanted to see what the house looked like now that it was done, and half of it was really still hidden by the scaffold.
I went back inside, did some more work, and at three I had fired off all the mails I was going to, so switched off the computer and went outside to look at the house as they last truck reversed down the road. It looked wonderful, but I think the new colour is perhaps too close to what it used to be, but we are told that will mellow some and the surface will change. But it looks still like our house, just one that is watertight. I found a broom, and went round the house sweeping up the piles of dist that had accumalated, largely because we have had no rain for weeks. But that lack of rain has meant we, or the guys, got the job done.

As I started on the back of the house, Noddy arrived hoping to get paid, but he was going to have to wait until Jools came home after going to the bank. So, we sat in the back garden in the warm sunshine, just chatting and looking at the late afternoon sunshine on the other side of the hill towards the centre of the village,.
Jools arrived home at half five, paid Noddy for the work done, and then he left, leaving us alone with just the house and the cats. We had coffee, some chocolate biscuits sittng back outside on the patio. I could not be bothered to cook, so we decided to eat out: but where? In the end curry was decided upon. And once The Now Show had finished, because that was more important than food, we drove to Whitfied for curry. It was good, but we had to wait ages for the main course, but it was worth waiting for.
All that was left was for Jools to drive is home, slump in front of the TV for the first in the new series of QI, and then head to bed. Another good day.
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