Thursday 23 October 2014

Thursday 223rd October 2014

Welcome to the 227th blog of the year, and I hope you enjoy it.

I mention this as in the whole of last year there were just 226 blogs in the whole year, and the year before that, just 128. In fact it was back in August 2012, at the height of the Olympics, I got so used to writing almost every day, I have tried to continue that habit. Now, I am not sure if anyone ever reads this, I am assured that some do. I realise that sometime it must be a pain to catch up, if anyone ever does, on blogs for the previous week or two.

What I can say is that I am reaching a watershed in my life. Nothing too dramatic, but what I can say is that work is going to take up more and more of my life in the weeks and months to come, right up to the end of next year, as the project moves from the preparation to the construction phase. Now, as I said, I won't say too much about the project, other than it is wind based, and that some of my time will be in Denmark, some in Germany, some in Denmark. A return trip to China might happen. Or not. But details on the day to day issues and tasks will be sketchy, if that, that is because there is commercial consideration to be taken into account, and I have to be seen to be all growed up and adult about this.

These past 24 hours have been difficult: for no reason a major allergy attack struck, meaning I had to result to whisky last night to be able to sleep. I have had worse, but the fact it blew up with no warning, and I was in the office in Ramsgate when it started. I left early, at three, drove home with the windows in the car rolled down to get a flow of fresh air in the car. It partly worked, but during the evening, it got worse. So, whisky and roast chestnuts it was. And it did work.

Days are cooler now, and on Tuesday evening we had a storm, nothing unusual in that, but night came early as the clouds swept in from the north. Rain hammered down, then as quick as it arrived, it cleared, with the light of the setting sun on the storm cloud, revealed stunning mammatus clouds, all heavy and pendulous. The what clouds we had cleared and stars came out, the wind dropped. Amazing.

Mammatus Clouds!

Yes, autumn is here, leaves are turning gold and falling, falling like snow on some days. It gets dark before six in the evenings now, and will be an hour earlier next week once the clocks go back on Sunday morning. The winter will nearly be upon us. And yet, the days are warm, especially when the sun shines, and it can feel like summer, until the sun begins to drop in the afternoon and the shadows really begin to lengthen.

I drove to Ramsgate yesterday, enjoying the freedom of driving along familiar roads, even if their are colsures everywhere, the worst being along the harbour tunnel due to a sewer collapse, this means driving past The Grange, and then down and around the harbour. Not a trauma really, seeing the still waters in the marina. And then there was no one at work. Well, no one on the offices, no monkeys, no chargehands or managers. Just quiet. Very very quiet. I made a pot of coffee and ended up drinking it all myself. I did not run around like a headless chicken. I just got on with work.

Tomorrow is Friday, so the weekend looms, and for me a trip back to the old country and the old fine city for the beer festival. And then the craziness will start. Just saying.


nztony said...

I have read each and every one of the 227 blogs for the year, so you have at least one reader!

jelltex said...

Even the football ones?

Many thanks for being there, I appreciate it, Tony.